insulation thermal ace such properties useful their for mined minerals
silicate fibrous, stability thermal and chemical, strength tensile high
and. Is insulator acoustic an ace used commonly Asbestos, insulation
thermal in and, materials building other and proofing fire. Products
asbestos contain today use in Many
Is asbestos when airborne become may that fibers of bundles microscopic
of up made Asbestos- disturbed or damaged acre materials containing.
These the into get fibers When irrigate lungs the into inhaled be may
they, problems health significant cause can they where
Page asbestos about information to access provides This. This Web site
On, effects health its and asbestos about information general access may
you. May products in asbestos suspect you if do to what about read also
You, school your in or home your in ( espan~ol en- escuelas las en asbesto).
Asbestos is the name given to a number of natu-rally occurring fibrous
minerals with high tensilestrength, the ability to be woven, and
resistance toheat and most chemicals. Because of these proper-ties,
asbestos fibers have been used in a wide rangeof manufactured goods,
including roofingshingles, ceiling and floor tiles, paper and
cementproducts, textiles, coatings, and friction productssuch as
automobile clutch, brake and transmissionparts. Exposure to asbestos can
be harmful tohuman health if asbestos fibers are released intothe air
when asbestos is disturbed or in poorcondition, and these fibers are
inhaled into thelungs. Asbestos exposure has been associated witha
number of serious health problems and diseases,including asbestosis,
lung cancer, and mesothe-lioma.
For more than three decades, many federal agen-cies have been overseeing
the regulation of asbes-tos products, wastes, and emissions.
ExistingEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) regula-tions address
asbestos risks from non-householdproducts that contain asbestos; point
sourceemissions from facilities where these products aremanufactured;
and sites where environmentalcontamination poses a risk to local
populations(outside of the workplace). These regulations arepromulgated
under several environmental statutes.
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